independent corporator surendra furtado join hands with babush monosratte files nominations form for the post of ccp mayor


19-march-2013 … With mayor’s elections schedule to take place on Tuesday Independent corporator surendra furtado along with his wife ruth furtado on Tuesday joined hands with the st cruz mla babush monsoratte panel to contest the mayor’s elections for the corporation city of Panjim …

With this the independent councilor surendra furtao had filed his nomination form for the chairperson of mayor’s post while corporator bento lourenco would file his nomination as a deputy mayor from the monsoratte led panel …

Presently the monsoratte panel in the ccp has fourteen councilors and with the addition of two independent corporators surendra and ruth furtado the monsoratte panel has now gained a upper hand in the ccp mayor’s election with a total of 16 corporator’s while the bjp panel led by present mayor vaidehi naik leaves with a total of 14 corproators …

Speaking to media reporters outside the monsoratte house in Taleigao surendra furtado who was chosen to lead the monsorattee led panel in the corporation city of panaji thanked mr monsoratte for supporting him to lead the corporation city of Panjim …

St cruz mla babush monsoratte informed about his panel decision and said that surendra was the right person to lead his panel in ccp

 When asked about surendra furtado joining hands with the monsoratte panel mayor vaidehi naik denied to comment over the issue and walked away