Press Release For the day as on 07. 01. 2013 Pertaining to the cases Registered


Press Release For the day as on 07. 01. 2013 Pertaining to the cases Registered at below mentioned Police Stations / Units are as under.


PANAJI PS: –Shri Narayan S/o Dhaku Palkar R/o Bambolim lodged the complaint to the effect that on 07.01.13 at about 10.15 hrs.  at Caranzalem, two unknown accused person with their common intension assaulted the complainant causing loss to the tune of Rs. 550/- while the complainant was discharging his lawful duty as driver attached to Rajbhavan. In this connection Cr. No. 12/13 U/s 353, 427, r/w 34 IPC stands registered. PSI Amarnath Passi is IO.

2. Shri Madhu Kanolkar R/o Chonsai, Parsem, Pernem has lodged the complain in writing against Sudip Tamankar to the effect that prior to 06.01.2013 accused person fabricated the document in the complainants name and forged the signature of the complainant. Accused further knowingly produced the same before CBI as evidence to support the complaint filed against Shri Laxmikant Parsekar Minister for Health and Shri Dayanand Mandrekar Minister for Art & Culture alleging their links with drug mafia. In this connection CR. No.13/13 u/s 191,192,193,195,196,201,205,211,463,465 & 471 IPC stands registered. PSI Anant Gaonkar is IO.

Ponda P.S. :-  Mr. Krishna Subramani Naik complain that between 06.01.2013 at 23.30 hrs to 07.01.2013 at 05.00 hrs unknown culprits effected entry in to the bedroom of the complainant house and decamped with gold ornaments worth Rs. 13,82,400/- by removing grills of the window. In this connection CR. No. 17/13 u/s 457,380 IPC has been registered and PI C.L. Patil is IO.

Agacaim P.S.:- Dr. Maria Juse w/o Dr. Savio Rodrigues E Wseman Pinto, Associate officer department of Micro biology GMC Bambolim complaint that on 24.12.2012 at 14.05hrs in the office of the complainant unknown accused gained entry and took the keys from table, opened cupboard and took away laptop in this connection CR.No.05/13 u/s 380 r/w 511 IPC has been registered and PSI Jacques Sherif is IO.


Margao P.S.:- Jaibun w/o Jaffar Shaikh, r/o Margao complained that on 07.01.2013 at 17.30hrs Nr. Rly. Station, behind hotel Srinivas residency calconda accused person namely Shankar Marathe r/o Karnataka strangulated her neck with his hand & committed robbery of gold ornament (mangalsutra) 14 grams, W/Rs.40,000/- & fled away. In this connection CR. No. 16/13 u/s 392 IPC has been registered. PSI Diago Gracias is I.O.