three tier contest for by-elections to corlim village panchayat


13-06-2013 … A three tier contest is all set for the by elections of ward no five of the village panchayat of corlim which is schedule to take place on Sunday 16th june ….

It may be noted that a new panchayat body of seven panch members was elected last year and in the middie of the five year term in january this year one of the panch member of ward no five pursohttam dhulapkar suddenly expired creating a vaccum in ward no five thus forcing a by elections in the dhulapi ward …

Presently the contest is being round up inside three candidates namely suman purshottam dhulapkar wife of late panch purshottam dhulapkar, second candidate is chandan suresh kerkar brother of present panch goraknath kerkar whose wife supriya kerkar is also the present sarpanch of the village panchayat and the third contestant being the former sarpanch onu dhulapkar …

Though all the candidate spell out various factors for having made up their mind to contest the by elections which has made the present scenario in ward no five seems to have a tight fight among the contestants who have most of their voters as their family member’s, relatives and friend SEO Company in Goa

Chandan kerkar brother of goraknath kerkar says that he has stood up in the elections as he wants to do something for the village

Meanwhile former sarpanch onu dhulapkar says that his main aim to contest the by elections is to clear family raj from the panchayat politics where in two panch members of a certain family were already there In the panchayat and another one was trying to set his eyes inside it …