e-visa facility to help the state to attract tourists from countries like America, Switzerland united kingdom and germany says tourism minister dilip parulekar …


14/07/2014 …. Welcoming the central government decision of providing e-visa facility to the state of goa tourism minister dilip parulekar on Monday said that the e-visa facility would help the state to attract tourists from countries like America, Switzerland united kingdom and germany…

It may be noted that the even the concerned Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (Independent Charge), Government of India Shripad Yesso Naik had stated that the Liberalization of the visa system at Goa airport would help the state to boost tourism

Speaking to media reporter’s tourism minister dilip parulekar said that since there was no e-visa facility earlier lot of tourists from certain countries who were deciding their vacation at a last minute had changed their route from goa to other countries due to the unavailability of e-visa facility

Parulekar said that lot of tourist were attracted towards countries like srilanka, Malaysia Thailand due to e-visa facility and if the same facilities were there for goa then tourist from countries like America, Switzerland, united kingdom and germany which were a high spending tourists were sure to spend their holidays in goa


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