special gram sabha meet of village Panchayat of corlim on passed resolution demanding for Special Status to Goa


4-feb-2013 … In a special gram sabha meet members of the village Panchayat of corlim on Sunday passed a resolution demanding for Special Status to Goa a resolution which has been asked by the gram sabha members to be forwarded to the Chief Minister of Goa on behalf of the villager’s of Corlim

The other resolution passed at the gram sabha meet were that all multi-storied mega project developments be immediately stopped and no permission be granted for any future mega projects, all village roads be limited to less than 5m width, buffer zone of radius 1.5 km from the Panchayat Building of Corlim be established in which no new multi-storied buildings can be constructed, all new applications for water and electricity be carefully studied by Corlim Panchayat including ground water and the same be advised to the respective Departments

it was also noticed that a panch member victor Pereira was seen sitting in the middle of the gram sabha members trying to discuss about the issue of the local village Panchayat with the members of the gram sabha

also it was brought to the notice of the Panchayat body member’s by the villagers of Corlim that the approved plans of the massive mega-project which had show the existing road width of the village road as 6 mts on tcp plan was totally wrong as the present road width varies from 3m to lessthan 6mts at different locations along the road bordering the construction project due to which the villagers requested that building license be revoked but however the  Panchayat assured the villagers that  they will call for inspection of the road site near the construction of the concerned project by The Town & Country Planning Department and the PWD and the panchayat informed that the concerned members would be invited during the  Site Inspection ..

Meanwhile panch member victor Pereira also brought to the notice of gram sabham members of  his idea of having a garbage treatment plant for the village of corlim …