st andre mla wagh raises his opposition on lusofonia games 2013


27-02-2013 ..  With few months left for the completion of the infrastructure facilities for hoisting the lusofonia games 2013 St Andre MLA Vishnu Surya Wagh has once again raised his opposition of the state hoisting the games stating that there was a need from the state government side to clear as when the treaty was done and signed and on what basis the state was participating in the lusofonia games

It may be noted that Goa government is organising Lusofonia Games of 12 Portuguese speaking nations in November this year by spending over Rs 220 crore to build infrastructure from which an athletic ground is about to come up at Bambolim in st andre constituency.

The st andre mla has been raising his voice asking the state government not to participate in the Lusofonia Games saying that the participants for lusofonia games were from Portuguese-speaking countries and has always wondered as how a state like goa could join in such games when goa is a part of a country like India and not a part of Portuguese speaking countries …

Speaking to goanreporter st andre mla vishu wagh said that he was opposed to lusofonia games on the basis of principle though he had no personnel grudge against Portugal but the state had to maintained its identity as a state of India

Vishnu said he would anyhow oppose the conduct of of the lusofonia games though he had no problems of lusofonia infrastructure coming up in his constituency

Vishnu also stated that it was wrong to host such games on the cost of losing its self identity and respect and was not bothered to oppose it weather it was his government or any other government