mgp workers meet of st cruz constituency held


06/04/2014 …. In order to safeguard the country’s interest against the corrupt Congress government, we need to unanimously support both the BJP candidates contesting in the state, stated  PWD minster Ramkrishna Dhavlikar

 Mr dhavlikar was speaking at st cruz constituency mgp workers meet which took place at merces on Friday evening and was attended by north goa lok Sabha bjp candidate Shripad naik, mgp president Deepak dhavlikar, mgp block president of st cruz constituency prakash naik and over thousand of mgp workers

Dhavlikar said that he had failed to understand as why the present st cruz mla babush monsoratte was supporting the north goa congress candidate ravi naik for the upcoming lok Sabha elections when babush himself was harassed by the then home minister and present north goal ok Sabha candidate ravi naik

Meanwhile mgp block president of st cruz constituency prakash naik asked his supporters to support the north goa candidate Shripad naik at the upcoming lok sabha elections which would help the mgp party to carry over developmental work in st cruz constituency .