Goan Reporter News: Mass Pledge Under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan On Aug 12 


The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to mark its 5th year of `Nasha Mukta Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA)  has organised various activities under theme Viksit Bharat Ka Mantra, Bharat ho Nashe Se Swatantra to be conducted country-wide.
As informed by the Directorate of Social Welfare,  Department  of Social Justice and Empowerment  will be organizing country wide mass pledge against Drugs on August 12, 2024 at 9.am, covering all schools, Colleges Universities including engineering and medical Colleges, IIMS, IITS, Polytechnics, Fashion Institutes and other public institutions.
The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment being the nodal agency for drug demand reduction launched the flagship mass awareness campaign`Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan` (NMBA) on August 2020. It is now expanded to all the districts in the country educating 11.20 plus crore people which includes youths, women, educational institutions and 9000 plus master volunteers through 3.40 lakh activities conducted at various levels across the country. 
Ministry of Social Justice has suggested State Government to undertake Social, cultural and sports activities which can be conducted in educational institutions, hotspot areas, prominent public places.
The activities may include Inter/Intra School/College Competitions, Seminars, webinars, workshops, anti-drug human chain formations, students rallies, flash mobs, nukkad nataks in the State/districts.
Sports and physical activities like marathons, walkathons, run against drug abuse, sports tournaments to be organized. Planting of one sapling in all School/College campus dedicating it to Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan.Ministry of Social further informed that, an e-pledge has been made available on the NMBA website (https://nmba.dosje.gov.in/content/take -a-pledge). All the students, youth, women, employees and others may be urged to take this e-pledge and down load the certificate.
 Directorate of Social Welfare has informed that the photographs of  the activities undertaken can be forwarded in soft copy through email to dir-soci.goa@nic.in on August 12, 2024 by 5 pm for onward submission to the Ministry of Social Justice.


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