corlim panchayat ghar in a dilapiliated condition says corlim panchayat body


With no proper facilities for the functioning of the office of its village Panchayat Deputy sarpanch of corlim village Panchayat victor Pereira along with panch members on Tuesday raised apprehensions over the dilapidated conditions of the corlim village Panchayat ghar and has now decided to write to the concerned government authorities for the construction of a new panchayat ghar ….

It may be noted that the corlim Village Panchayat Building, which was constructed under the Rural and Development Agency Scheme, was inaugurated on October 2nd 1998 but due to poor construction and waterproofing carried out in the building there has been water leakage in every rainy season from the roof slab due to which the steel inside the slab has got corroded forcing the Panchayat officials to vacate the Panchayat ghar building few years back and function its office from the village Panchayat hall

Mr Paresh Gaitonde a Private Engineer by Profession in its report had stated that as per the test conducted by him all the slabs were indicating a poor compressive strength of 115 kg/cm2 which indicated that the mix used during the concreting was less than even m15 grade of concrete

Nearly 90% of the steel reinforcement has corroded resulting in delamination of the slab ceiling which had resulted in cracking of concrete in the slab ceiling and the recent fall of concrete cover in one portion of the building

speaking to goanreporter deputy sarpanch of corlim village panchayat victor periera said that with no Panchayat ghar the officials of the village Panchayat were facing a lot problems due to which the Panchayat body would write to the government for the construction of a new Panchayat ghar

Victor said since there was no panchayt ghar the Panchayat office had no modern facilities available in it and would

Secretary of corlim village panchayat oswin mascarenha said that presently the Office of the Village Panchayat of Corlim was operating from the Village Panchayat Hall where in the Panchayat staff has no proper sitting facilities along with storage of important files