corlim village panchayat collect’s 2 tonne dry waste from its garbage collection drive


20-04-2013 … The pilot waste management project of collecting dry waste from in and around the vicinity of corlim village seems to have gone well for the village Panchayat of corlim as more than 2 tones of dry waste garbage has been collected by v-recycle a private waste management services who have been assigned the task of making corlim village free from dry waste in the next few months …

It may be noted that the issue of tackling garbage management specially the dry waste in to the village jurisdiction of corlim has been started with the support of sygenta limited company situated through its ngo margdarshak and aim to have a plastic free and clean village that uses sustainable model that has cent collection compliance with an environment friendly treatment and disposal system

 The collection of dry waste in the vicinities of corlim village would also help in tackling the issues of waste generated in and around corlim villages specially the dry waste which is being collected twice in a week by the labourers of v-recycle and then the same is being sorted out at a sorting station situated in corlim industrial estate

 Speaking to goanrepeorter acting sarpanch if corlim village Panchayat victor Pereira said that the Panchayat has received a good support from the locals in tackilnig the dry waste garbage issue from the Panchayat wards …

 Victor said it was a sad thing to note that people from other villages were coming down in to the corlim village and were throwing their garbage at various places which was a major problem and were thinking of forming a committee to patrol such areas from people throwing garbage

 Meanwhile a local resident of pda colony in corlim village also gave his view over the garbage collection drive