village panchayats should carry out its pre monsoon works well in advance says panchayat director narayan sawant


04/06/2014 … In order to tackle any unforeseen incidents during the upcoming monsoon season the directorate of panchayats on Wednesday said that all the village panchayats of the state have been asked to carry out its pre monsoon village panchayats works or else action would be taken by the directorate of panchayats on the concerned village panchayats …

It may be noted that every year the directorate of panchayats do instruct state panchayats to take up the work of cleaning nullahs and storm water drains and also ask them to indentify landslide-prone areas and to undertake work to avoid landslides during the monsoon along with low lying areas which do get flooded with rain water

Locals from some of the villages of the state revealed that their village panchayats, till date, had not taken up pre-monsoon works due to which rain water had got accumulated on some of their village roads in the absence of proper drains. 

Sawant said the pre-monsoon works to be taken up by the municipalities or panchayats are the routine works, which in normal course do not come under the purview of any election code but still Yet, works are delayed. 

Sawant also agreed that some panchayats in the state were not serious about taking care of the pre monsoon works in their concerned panchayats