SAAD-SAMVAD “a “Community Policing Initiative of Goa Police.


Panjim-Dec-10-2012 … The involvement of community at large in policing is a concept which has been recognized all over the world. Even in India this concept has been successfully implemented in different parts of the country. Unfortunately, police in India with a legacy inherited from British India had till date been perceived as an oppressive tool. There is a need to change this perception and to take initiatives for involving public at large in its own policing. Police has to approach the public and start taking initiatives to bridge the communication gap between public and police and make efforts to reduce the trust deficit.

            To have better  understanding  and communication between police  and public it has been decided to launch  a community  policing  pragramme  titled “ Saad  Samvad” District  Police  and Traffic  Police  are the  major  stake  holders with the  general  public   in this initiative. The objective of this community policing initiative is 1.) To bridge the communication gap between police and public.2)  To break anonymity of law breakers. 3.) To make law abiding citizens as   stakeholders in community policing. 4.)To improve police image. 5.) To make police accountable and transparent.

 To achieve the above objectives District Police chiefs have been asked to organize meeting with villagers especially in coastal areas where the staff of concerned police station should be introduced to the public. District SPs should sensitize the members of public against certain menaces like Drug Trafficking, Human Trafficking and other illegal activities affecting the social fabric and law and order. An appeal will be made to the public to assist police in curbing these menaces and be a partner in the prevention and detection of crime.

 Similarly  Traffic  police  have been told to  conduct traffic  education pragramme in schools  and sensitize  and educate young  minds on the observation of traffic rules and  discipline. SP traffic has been asked to organize different competitions for school children like essay competition, painting competition in which children should be encouraged  to express their  views about traffic  scenario  and other  road  safety issues.

SP North/South/ Traffic will chalk out a schedule to hold meeting with villagers.