Panaji, September 8, 2017 …  Sowing as well as transplanting of Kharif Paddy  crop has been completed. The crop stand is quite healthy and no  outbreak of pests/diseases have been reported or observed  during  the pest surveillance  inspection. 328 MT of High Yielding Varieties  of paddy seed has been sold to farmers at 50% subsidy provided at source through three authorized farmers, Co-operative Societies besides, departmental sub-offices during kharif season 2017.

Subsidy was provided to 134 farmers to the tune of Rs. 53.21 lakhs towards  the cost of the work of Solar Battery Fencing and Stone Wall/Barbed/GI Wire fencing etc. Subsidy  was provided to 106 farmers  towards installation of Pumpset with accessories and Sprinkler/Drip system to the tune of Rs. 28.82 lakhs. 50% subsidy  was provided to 4042 farmers towards hire charges of power tiller and tractor to the tune of Rs. 24.67 lakhs. 36 number of different types of agricultural machineries and equipments have been provided to the farmers incurring an expenditure of Rs. 15.40 lakhs towards subsidy. 47 number of cases have been  settled towards compensation against losses suffered due to vagaries of nature to the tune of Rs. 4.68 lakhs.

Assured price was given to 1378 farmers for Paddy, 138 farmers for Sugarcane, 302 farmers for Coconut and 82 farmers for Oil Palm providing a subsidy of Rs. 237.64 lakhs.  Promotion of System of Rice Intensification-Demonstration were conducted in area of 28.41 ha and Revitalization of Khajan Paddy cultivation in the area of 120 ha benefiting 83 farmers  and 175 farmers respectively during kharif  season 2017. 6 numbers of wells have been  constructed for irrigation purpose with an expenditure of Rs. 5.46 lakhs towards subsidy. An area of 95.07 ha has been  covered  under pest management  by biological  means with an expenditure of 1.18 lakhs towards subsidy.  184 numbers  of krishi cards has been issued to the farmers. 22.75 MT of vegetables is procured from local farmers. 37.00 Kgs Mushroom spawn were produced and 21.00 Kgs were sold in the Mushroom Laboratory, Ela Old Goa. 8900 units of Bracon Adults were produced in the State Bio-Control Laboratory (BCL), at Ela Old Goa and 5,000 units were released in the field for control of leaf eating caterpillar in Coconut. 610 numbers soil samples were tested in Soil Testing Laboratory, Ela Old Goa and Margao and 465 numbers of  Soil Health cards are issued.


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