Goan Reporter News Services

Panaji, June 03, 2018 …. Union Minister of State for AYUSH(IC) Shri. Shripad Naik recently inaugurated the Compound Wall of Corlim Primary Health Centre (PHC), sponsored under the Member of Parliament –Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) in the presence of Deputy Director of Health Dr. Jose D’sa, Deputy Director of AYUSH Dr. Datta Bhat, Medical Officer In-charge of Corlim PHC Dr. Kedar Raikar, Ayurvedic Physician Dr. Supriya Dhond, and Sarpanch Shri. Shiva Naik.

          Speaking on the occasion the Minister lauded Dr. Raikar and his team for working hard towards improving the status of Corlim PHC. “The Government, he said, is bound to serve the public. However, without their support, no work can be completed in time.” Shri. Naik also expressed his wish to make a medicinal plant garden in the PHC area in order to utilize the land for the betterment of villagers.

          He further urged the people to participate in large numbers at the upcoming World Yoga Day and make it a grand success. “Health is wealth and we must treasure it. There is no substitute for Yoga when it comes to the benefits. It keeps one physically and mentally healthy and fresh,” the Minister said.

          The Minister later inspected the compound wall and area intended for medicinal plant garden. Earlier Dr. Raikar welcomed the gathering. Dr. Jose D’Sa and Shri. Shiva Naik also spoke on the occasion. Kum. Avita Parab compered the function Dr. Yogesh Desai proposed vote of thanks.

          The Minister later attended a meeting at Surashri Kesarbai Kerkar High School, Keri Ponda to review the progress made in the village under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. Additional Collector-North Shri. Vikas S.N. Gaunekar, Director of GPARD Shri. Parag Nagarsekar, Deputy Collector of Ponda Shri. Navnath Naik, Former Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly Shri. Vishwas Satarkar, Sarpanch of Keri, Smt. Alisha Gaude, other panch members and villagers attended the meeting.

          A discussion about projects planned under the Adarsh Gram Yojana was discussed in the meeting. While addressing the grievances put by the villagers, Shri. Shripad Naik asked them to have a constructive and positive approach towards the Government. “The village falls under the Adarsh Gram Scheme, and therefore the pending work will be under taken on priority basis. To smoothen the work flow, we will request the Chief Secretary to grant the HoDs with powers to approve finance. This will help in speed up the monetary process. Also, regular scrutiny from senior Government officials will accelerate the pace of work,” the Minister stated.

          Shri. Gaunekar informed that the Gymnasium and a temple renovation planned under the scheme are on the verge of completion. He also opined that as the village is disconnected from cities like Ponda and Panaji, each department can depute a senior official to pay visits to this village, at least once in a month. “This will enable the department to keep a track of the work plans and its deadlines,” Shri. Gaunekar stated.  

          Sarpanch Smt. Gaude proposed vote of thanks.


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