Panaji: July 6, 2016 …. Department of  Ophthalmology, Goa Medical College, in collaboration with Public Health foundation of India Hyderabad and Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust  recently launched a Diabetic Retinopathy Project, a project directed  towards reducing avoidable blindness across common wealth countries.

Mr. Sudhir, Mahajan, Principal Secretary, was the  Chief Guest. He urged the people of Goa  to take care in maintaining good diabetic control on an attempt to reduce diabetic induced various organ  damage. He  insisted on regular eye checkup which may save diabetic patient from severe visual loss. He also stressed upon regular exercise on a routine healthy away of living.

Dr. Sanjeev Dalvi, Director of Health services, was the guest of  Honour. He assured of his complete participation in the programme and its implementation to maximum benefits to the diabetic patient across the state..

The project is being funded by Queen Elizabeth diamond jubilee trust  under which Department will be upgraded with multiple  state of art newer diagnostic equipments for benefit of treatment and management of diabetic patients.

Dr. Vivek S. Naik, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Goa Medical College proposed the vote of thanks.


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