Goan Reporter News Services

Panaji, May 31, 2018 … Folk Tales and Folklores are rich with knowledge and values which can play instrumental role to educate children stated Governor of Goa Smt. (Dr) Mridula Sinha recently.

Governor was speaking at the function `Sah- Spandan` organised by World Konkani Centre, Mangalore and Institute Menezes Braganza , Panaji to release the first illustrated Konkani- English Bilingual set of 12 konkani folk tales for children published by World Konkani Centre.  

Governor said that children like to listen folk tales through which they are first introduce to physical knowledge and nature.  Story telling can also become a medium to know emotional status of children wherein children can be imparted with good values through such exercise.

`I find lot of similarities between Konkani and Maithili languages. Many words in Maithili  prevails in Konkani too. So also literature produced in these languages are very much relates to our pristine culture` Governor further said.

Dr. Kiran Budkule, co-ordinator, Sah-Spandan explored  idea behind the exercise and informed about various initiatives taken  to explore Konkani language at global arena. President, World Konkani Centre Shri. Basti Vaman Shenoy informed about efforts taken by their institute to promote Konkani.

President, Institute Menezes Braganza Shri. Sanjay Harmalkar welcomed the gathering.


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