Panaji:  September 3, 2015 … District Collector (South), Shri. Sachin Shinde exhorted the tourism Department to galvanize COPTA awareness activities among the public, under Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act 2003 (COPTA) especially in view of the World Tourism Day to be celebrated on September 27.   He also stressed upon the Mamlatdars to conduct random visits to the schools to check if infrastructure is available to implement wall painting competition on school compound walls/boundary for school children under COPTA Act 2003 is likely to be held on October 2.

The District Collector, South, Mr. Sachin Shinde (IAS) on Tuesday reviewed the action taken report by various Departments at the District Level Coordination committee (SGDLC) for tobacco control stressed that every Mamlatdar of the Taluka and Government Departments should implement COPTA effectively.  He also urged the concerned officials to conduct raids to create awareness apart from refraining people smoking in public places. Various other issues related to COPTA were also discussed during the meeting.

District Magistrate, South Mr. Sachin Shinde (IAS) chaired the meeting and the member Secretary Dr. Doreen Dias (SGDLCC for tobacco control) welcomed the members.

Mr. Roland Martins co-ordinator (GOACAN) complemented all the concern authorities of South Goa Talukas for the efforts taken to conduct  successful rallies on May 31, the World No Tobacco Day in their respective Taluka and also for the fine collected from January 2015to June 2015 by COPTA enforcement squads consisting of Jt. Mamlatdar, officials of Police Department, Health Department and NGO (South District).

Shri Martins highlighted various issues effecting the implementation of the Act and placed the same before the Collector to initiate necessary action against the violators who does not follow the rules under COPTA Act 2003 and FDA in South Goa.

Further, Mr. Shinde suggested and asked the Director of Urban Health Centre, Margao to install banners on COPTA, PC-PNDT, Helmet for Road safety and awareness of senior citizen on rotation basis infront of the Urban Centre, Margao so that the public may not lose the awareness attractiveness.


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