PANAJI: 23/02/2020 ::: Goa Football Development Council (GFDC) inaugurated its 38th training centre at Carmona in association with Carmona Sports Club at the panchayat ground recently. Over 150 trainees have already enrolled at the centre.

The Chief Guest and President of GFA, Churchill Alemao who inaugurated this facility highlighted that sports is the best paid career option keeping in mind the lack of jobs in the state.

“However much tuition is given it is currently very difficult to get a job. I request the parents to send your child to play a game and 200 percent a job is ready. A boy from Verna, Lenny Rodrigues played for my club for six years. Today he is number one in India and earning over Rs. 60 lacs a year. He had started off at barely Rs. 9000. If you are good at some sport there is no need to beg but you will get a job automatically. In Goa there are many graduate and double graduates but find no jobs available. Half the budget in the state is over paying salaries. I request the kids to train every day and players from Carmona should play at the national level one day,” said Alemao.

While addressing the gathering, the Member Secretary GFDC, Aleixo da Costa thanked the local sports club for helping and supporting to bring the Carmona centre into existence.

“In the beginning the attendance across the centres is good but as time passes the numbers are dropping. When we ask the centre heads and coaches the reasons cited to us is that kids have to attend tuitions and hence cannot find time to train. Parents want their children to become doctors or engineers but there is no need to enrol them for tuition at an early age. The child who comes to the ground and sweats is fresh to go back and study. A child who plays daily remains healthy as well. I request the parents to send their children on the ground daily without fail,” said Costa.

The Carmona village panchayat members, sports enthusiasts, parents and trainees were present to grace the occasion.


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