Goan Reporter News: Restricted water supply to parts of Salcete and Mormugao taluka

Goan Reporter News Services

The Office of the Executive Engineer Work Division XII (PHE – SWSP), Public Works Department Sanguem has informed that there will be a restricted water supply since it is planned to undertake leakage repair of age – old 1200mm dia PSC pipeline of 160 MLD Salaulim Water Treatment Plant from Margao Bifurcation point to Verna on February 12, 2024 and February 13, 2024 for maximum 48 hrs.

Further it is also informed that there will be no supply from 160 MLD WTP during the above shutdown to parts of Salcete and Mormugao Talukas. The 100 MLD new WTP will remain functional as usual.

Consumers are requested to please note the above and bear with the inconvenience caused.


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