Goan Reporter News Services

Panaji : July  21, 2018 …. Governor of Goa Dr. (Smt). Mridula Sinha held a meeting with Industry Representatives (public and private sector) across the state and discussed the activities undertaken in their respective organisations in connection with Swachh Bharat Mission.

While addressing the gathering, the Governor congratulated the members of Industries for their enthusiastic participation and making Swachh Bharat Mission a success. “An office is an extended family and keeping it clean is our noble responsibility. Cleanliness has been a part of our moral system and we must retain it for generations to come. The Industries, Government and local bodies can work hand in hand to attain 100% cleanliness,” the Governor said.

The Governor also urged the representatives to work towards making Goa the cleanest state in the country and proposed a few measures for better hygiene and sanitation. “The companies can adopt villages within 5 km of their Industrial unit and help in the maintenance of public toilets along with tree plantation and public park maintenance. Slogans and messages of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan can be installed at public places. Donating dust bins and voluntary service of 100 hours per year can be a mandate to employees. The Industrial units can paint their boundary walls with a theme of local art, culture or Swachh Bharat messages. This will serve a dual purpose of passing the right message as well as be a treat to one’s eyes,” the Governor opined. She also administered swachhta pledge to Industry Representatives. Shri Sandip Bhandare, President, Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was nominated as convener of Industry Representatives for Swach Bharat Abhiyan in Goa.

The Industry representatives were also advised to appoint a representative and send a timely report of the activities along with photos to the Raj Bhavan. Secretary to Governor Shri. Rupesh Kumar Thakur, IAS and OSD to Governor Shri. Anshuman Abhishek were also present on the occasion.


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