Hon’ble CM inaugurates four lane road and beautification of traffic island at Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Circle, Curchorem


Panjim,  Feb 9: Hon’ble  Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Parrikar today inaugurated a four lane road and beautification of traffic island at Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Circle at Curchorem,  in the distinguished presence of  Hon’ble Minister for Tourism, Mr. Manohar Ajgaonkar and Hon’ble MLA & Chairman   of GTDC, Mr. Nilesh Cabral. This mega project   has been  undertaken  by  the Department  of Tourism, Govt.  of Goa and  Goa Tourism Development  Corporation (GTDC) through its SPV Cell  under  the Development of Hinterland Tourism.

The  objective  of the  project was to  develop various  places of interest in the Sanguem and  Quepem Taluka to provide basic amenities  and upgrade junctions with signages, toilet blocks, traffic islands, footpaths etc.

Goa Tourism has undertaken the four lane road with signages,  traffic island and  beautification of Dr. Ambedkar Circle in three  phases. The four laning of the road covers a length of  1.2 kms,  underground  HT  (33 KV) and  LT (11KV) electric cabling by providing separate  ducts below the footpaths.

Footpaths on either sides of the road have been  constructed with sit outs and  under ground  storm  water drains.  Illumination  of  the roads,  a fountain  and  garden  at the Dr Ambedkar  Circle,  traffic and  signages for safety of  tourists,  providing  toilets block  facilities for tourists  near  the railway station are some of the components under the development project.

The work has been  carried out  by M/s Bagkiya Constructions and the consultants for this project are Fourth Dimensions, Pune.

Also present  at the function were councilors  of Curchorem – Cacora Municipal Council and  officials from the Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of  Goa and  GTDC.




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