Goan Reporter News Services

Panaji, May 16, 2018 …. Governor of Goa, Dr. (Smt.) Mridula Sinha stated that co-ordinated efforts from diverse sectors of society will provide us a better health system.

Dr. Sinha was speaking at the ‘International Nurses Day’ function organised by the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI), Goa Branch at Kala Academy recently. The theme for this year’s function was ‘Nurses -A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human Right.’

Minister for Art and Culture Shri. Govind Gaude and Minister for Health Shri. Vishwajit, keynote speaker Dr. Wilson Fernandes, Secretary of Goa TNAI, Smt. Rubina Fernandes, President Smt. Kuntal Kerkar and Director of Health Services Dr. Sanjeev Dalvi were present among others.

The Governor further said that Nurses must assure every patient a quality service. “Nursing is not a profession but a mission which requires kind heart and sharp mind.  For a patient, a nurse is no less than a God. Nurses perform their duties at par with the doctors, hence, we have to look at it as a positive career option,” the Governor said.

The Governor appreciated Minister for Health, Shri Vishwajit Rane for his contribution in the field of healthcare. “The facilities introduced such as Bike Ambulance, Ayushman has brought health care at our doorstep”, the Governor said.

Shri Vishwajit Rane said that the Government is committed to providing best of nursing education and infrastructure facilities to train nursing students.

Shri Govind Gaude stated that nurses always secure a respectable place in the society hence; the current generation must choose this career and bring laurels to the state of Goa.

Dr. Wilson Fernandes In his keynote address highlighted the journey of nursing education. He iterated that healthcare facilities have prospered since past few years and so, the role of nurses. However, there are still many people who lack essential health care facilities as 28.5% of Indian population is below the poverty line. During instances, sickness is not addressed due to lack of finance. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) believes that good health is a human right, and a nurse is bound to provide primary check-up thereby contributing towards a healthy nation.”

Smt. Kuntal Kerkar welcomed the guests and proposed the vote of thanks.


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