Panaji, November15, 2015 …. Cable television network in the country is regulated as per the Cable Television Networks (Regulation ) Act 1995 and the Rules framed there under.

As per Section 4A of this Act, Central Government has notified phased implementation of digital addressable system in the country by the cable operators. Phases I and II of cable digitization have been completed. Phase III of digitization which will cover all the remaining urban areas in the country is scheduled for completion by December 31, 2015. Rural areas would be covered in Phase IV which is to be completed by December 31, 2016.

To receive cable TV services in urban areas after December 31, 2015 it is essential that Multi System operators and cable operators carry only digital encrypted signals and every cable subscriber has a set top box.

Public must be aware that they require a set top box before the cutoff date. In this connection kind attention is drawn to the provision under Rule 12 of the Cable Television Networks Rules 1994 which states that, “ Every Broadcaster, Multi-System Operator and cable operator shall create public awareness among, and provide information to , the subscribers in the notified areas from a period at least thirty days prior to the date such areas are notified, either through advertisements in the print and electronic media or through such other means including leaflets, printing on the reverse of the receipts, personal visits, group meeting with subscribers or consumer groups, cable service and website, containing salient features of the Digital Addressable Cable System.”

Since the cutoff date of December 31, 2015 for phase III of digitization of cable TV network in urban areas is very near, it is presumed that broadcaster, MSOs and LCOs have already initiated public awareness campaign.


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