19/06/2015 …. Power Department has taken up work of solving power problems in Chimulwada, Gavkarwada, Kumbharwada and Mayem Village Panchayat is taken up on priority basis.  In the first phase, renovation and improvement of HT line passing through Hilin area was taken up under which all the old conductor were changed.

Structural items like cross arms, pins and also insulators were changed. Essentially, to strengthen the poles so that they stand stable when they are partly underwater during rains, foundation of poles were provided with concrete muffing. Total expenditure incurred was to the extent of Rs.2 lakh on said work.

The results of this renovation can be seen as interruptions have considerable minimised due to faults in Hilin area during this rain. Apart from this, to completely improve the power scenario of Narva feeder and 12 associated transformers on it, a development work has been proposed under which underground cable has been planned from Shardanagar to Mayem Village Panchayat at total estimated cost of the work is Rs.30 lakh. After completing all the codal formalities a tender for the said work was opened on 26th February, 2015.

Total 4 contractors participated. Presently, it is in the final stage of contract awarding process. Within next few days the successful bidder would be issued with the work order to actually commence the work. Once this work is completed, it will form a ring wherein from Bicholim Sub Station, Narva feeder will pass through Devgale, Haturli, Hilin, Chimulwada, Kumbharwada, Shardanagar, Kelbaiwada and back to the Bicholim Sub Station.

This way it is going to be very convenient for Electricity Department to restore power supply in case any fault is occurred in thickly vegetated area. Originally the said work was decided to be carried out under R-APDRP scheme. However, knowing the sensitivity of the issue and urgency, minister directed to take up the work under different head so that it can be commenced speedily.

The work of laying underground cable from Shardanagar to Mayem Village Panchayat has to go along the existing road and as per the standard norms of state during the rains any sort of excavation activities even along the road are prohibited, so actual work on this stretch will begin only after rains.

 Power Minister, Shri. Milind Sagun Naik during his visit to Bicholim Sub Station two months back directed the Power Department to immediately come out with the solution so that powers outages in Chimulwada, Gavkarwada, Kumbharwada and Mayem Village Panchayat are reduced and also while attending to faults life of Electricity Department staffs are not at risk.

 Power minister has directed department upon giving priority to the works which are of importanT but have stayed behind. One such example is work at Keri Sattari. Consumers of this area apprised the minister that any fault occurring in Morlem area like falling of tree and branch results in complete outages of Keri Sattari village. Minister directed to immediately study and take up corrective action.

To resolve this problem, Department initiated the work of erecting 11KV line from Ravan to Shiroli. Almost 90% of the work of erection of line comprising of 2 kms length has been completed by department. Once this line is charged, consumers of Keri Sattari are going to receive power supply from two directions.

As a result in case of fault, power could be restored in shortest span from alternate direction. Apart from following the works of bigger magnitude like underground cabling, erection of new sub station minister has given direction to department to give stress on completing smaller work departmentally for which thorough care is taken to make available material and man power to the engineers.


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