sale of prescription drugs other than the normal drugs is a major concern taking place in to the state of goa says Director General of police t n monhan


02/05/2014 … Director General of police t n monhan on Friday said that the sale of prescription drugs other than the normal drugs was a major concern which was taking place in to the state of goa at present …

Addressing media persons at the conference hall of the state police head quarter’s dgp mohan said that there were drugs in goa but not in huge quantity and therefore goa could not be called as a transit point for drugs while the major concern was the sale of prescription drugs which was a concern for the state

Mohan said that the last year seizure of drugs amounting to around 35 kilos was to be slated as one of the biggest seizure done by goa police in the last decade

Meanwhile dig o p mishra stated that the prescription drgus was a major concern for countries all over the world while the state police had been working with the food and drugs administration office to curb the sale of prescription drugs in the state