sygenta india limied holds demontration programmes on agricultural activites in corlim village


OLDGOA: As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibilities of Sygenta India Limited, Tiswaddi Corlim, Sygenta Krishi Mitr held a day long demonstration programme at the parish hall of St Joao De Facundo Church Corlim on Agriculture Developmental Activities informing the locals of Corlim Village about crops such as Coconut, Cashew and Mangoes where in total technical knowledge on getting quality and maximum yield of fruits from the tress were demonstrated during the programme..

Sygenta Krishi Mitr is one of the Corporate Social Responsibilities Programme of Sygenta Goa whose main aim has been of supporting the Goa Agricultural Community to innovate Crops solution in its Village and surroundings and has reached to more than forty villages and this year with the main focus being on the villages of Corlim Dhulapi Mangado and surrounding villages .

Information such as how to improve the agriculture productivity with good quality products, fertilizers and pesticides to take care of diseases on plants such as Mango, Cashew and Coconut was given

Also information such as what types of fertilizes, how to take care of the crops which are the different diseases and how to control them told to the villagers of Corlim Village

Speaking to Goan Reporter Sygenta Site Manager Martin Gosh said “Sygenta Krishi Mitr is one of our Corporate Social Responsibilities Programme in Goa of which the purpose is of supporting the Goan Agricultural Community to innovate crops solution as we would also like to promote good agriculture practices and to increase the yield and quality of the produce and also to motive Goan farmers to continue in agriculture in which fortunately had been on decline in the recent years”

Gosh said “Through this programme we would like to grow more from less and currently our more focus is on mango cashew, coconut, paddy and vegetables as the last couple of years Sygenta and Krishi Mitr has reached to more than forty villages and this year our focus is on the villages of Corlim, Dhulapi, Mangado and surrounding Villages and also are working in close with other agencies and are very happy to receive support from other agencies like Department of Agriculture Department, Goa ICAR-Old Goa ….

Meanwhile Parish Priest of St Joao De Facundo Church Corlim Fr Assis Dourado said “Now a days such programmes were very important for people to give information about crops which could help in giving proper quality of fruits and if such programmes are held that it would also give a chance for locals to plant more trees which is good for environment too people would also have some time to work in their gardens and lands ..

The whole Demonstration programme was organized by Sygenta CSR Executive Andrew D’souza