Stalls at Old Goa Feast controlled by outisder’s


OLD GOA: In a shocking incident which has taken place at fair area at the ongoing feast of st francis Xavier at old goa the duty of allotting stalls at various areas in and around old goa seems to be taken over by outsiders instead of old goa village panchayat …

In a incident which could raise fingers on the working system of the old goa village panchayat body a bengali women labourer was seen collecting money from various stall allotted which have been sublet by the original allottes that too in thousands of rupees though the original price of stall allotment given by the village concerned old goa village panchayat was 1,100 for 2 in to 2 meters and 2,200 for four in to four meters …
It may be noted that this time the old goa village Panchayat has also warned those who would be given a chance to put up a stall would not be allowed to sublet the space to any other persons during the ten day feast …

Beale Street Memphis

“At the same time as far as keep the old goa area clean and garbage issue is concerned the panchayat had also asked the stall owners not to throw their garbage all over but to keep it at old place so that the panchayat labourers could collect it during night time every day and get it cleaned and if any one was found throwing garbage here and there than that person would be strictly fined with a fess of rs 2,000 each day”

One of a outsider stall allotte who has taken the stall from a goan person told GOANREPORTER “we had come here to do some garment business at the feast of st francs Xavier at old goa but the price in which I had to buy these three stalls at one place were surprising as I had to pay a price of around fifty six thousand in together to a Bengali lady who had done the deal to the concerned person who had sublet the stall to us though at present I have only paid twenty four thousand to her while for the remaining money she would come and collect it”

But even more suprising was that the concerned Bengali lady came to the same shop which is situated along the old goa-diwar road side and started asking the remaining amount of money and even stated that she had nine more such stalls in her hand which could be given for such huge amount  and also removed a bunch of 500 rupees note from her pocket and gave it to one of her person in front of the concerned stall owner ..

Though the concerned stall owner kept on saying that it was a big amount for him to pay as there was no business that he had done in the past few days the Bengali lady in her conversation with the concerned stall owner said “you do not have to get worried as there are three more days left and in the next  three days you would get your money of the amount of fifty six thousand rupees recovered as well as you would be able to do a good business at the fair” and when the stall owner asked for a receipt of his fifty six thousand amount the lady said ‘I would also give you the receipt of the same amount which you have given me for the rent of the shop”

When the same incident was brought to the notice of the sarpanch if the old goa village panchayat vishal volvoikar he said “well the panchayat has followed proper procedures while allotting stalls specially given to locals first and if they have sublet it then the panchayat has no role to play in it though one of the criteria was that the concerned person who has been allotted the stall could not sublet his stall to any other person but still we would try to investigate in to the matter as how this things were done”

Rector of basilica of bom jesus fr savio baretto said “this is a surprise to us that even there is a local body who has done the stall allotment procedure an outside lady seems to have control on subletting the stalls and such issue need to be investigated and therefore I would urge the state government to seriously look in to the matter and get the issue investigated as soon as possible

Meanwhile heavy security has been tightened up in and around the old goa area for the next three days with more than 300 police personnel’s along with cisf force which would guard the place round the clock from Saturday to Tuesday ….