Panaji : March 8, 2020 … The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has issued a Travel advisory in view of the novel Coronavirus (nCoV19) in the passed few days. The advisory states that in view of the spurt of cases being reported from China and other countries, travellers / Indian citizens are advised to refrain from travel to China. People travelling to China henceforth will be quarantined on return. Those planning a visit to India from China should take note that existing visas (including eVisa already issued) are no longer valid for any foreign national travelling from China. Intending visitors may contact Embassy in Beijing (visa.beijing@mea.gov.in) or the Consulates in Shanghai (ccons.shanghai@mea.gov.in) and Guangzhou (visa.guangzhou@mea.gov.in) to apply fresh for an Indian visa.

          The Indian Embassy in China continues to remain contactable 24×7 on two hotline numbers +8618610952903 and +8618612083629 and a dedicated email helpdesk.beijing@mea.gov.in. Indian nationals in need of any assistance may get in touch with the Embassy on these hotlines and email.

          Indian citizens are further advised to refrain from non-essential travel to Singapore, Republic of Korea, Islamic Republic of Iran and Italy.

          People coming from Republic of Korea, Iran and Italy or those having history of travel to these countries may be quarantined for 14 days on arrival to India. For any queries related to health, people may contact on Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 24*7 helpline number (+91-11-23978046) or email at (ncov2019@gmail.com).

          Those having compelling reasons to travel to these countries should follow simple public health measures at all times. Observe good personal hygiene, practice frequent hand washing with soap, follow respiratory etiquettes-cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoid close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness, such as cough, runny nose etc, avoid contact with live animals and consumption of raw/undercooked meats, avoid travel to farms, live animal markets or where animals are slaughtered and wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms such as cough or runny nose.

          If you feel sick on flight, while travelling back to India, inform the airlines crew about illness, seek mask and the self-reporting format from the airline crew, avoid close contact with family members or fellow travelers, follow the directions of airline crew while disembarking, immediately report facts to the Airport Health Office/Immigration Office and Helpline number (011-23978046) and follow the direction of the airport health officer as issued by the helpline.

          If you feel sick within a span of 28 days after return from Coronavirus affected areas; immediately call the Helpline number (011-23978046) and follow the direction issued, maintain effective self-isolation at home and with others, observe good personal hygiene, practice frequent hand washing with soap, follow respiratory etiquettes-cover your month when coughing or sneezing and report the illness to the nearest health facility and also inform the treating doctor regarding your travel history.


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