Goan Reporter News Services

Panaji, June 5, 2018 …. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi as part of celebration of the International Day of Older Person (IDOP) on October 1, every year,  has been conferring ‘Vayoshreshtha Samman’ on eminent Senior Citizens and Institutions involved in rendering distinguished services for the cause of elderly persons, especially indigent senior citizens.

Nominations are invited for  Best Institution for research in the field of Ageing. For institutions with a record of outstanding work in research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of ageing. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 5 Lakhs rupees.

Award for Best institution for providing services to Senior Citizens and Awareness Generation. For institutions with a record of providing services to the elderly especially indigent senior citizens. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 5 Lakhs rupees.

Award for Best District Panchayat in providing services and facilities to Senior Citizens. Any  district Panchayats, which have done outstanding work for senior citizens. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 10 Lakhs rupees.

Award Best Urban Local Body in providing services and facilities to Senior Citizens: municipal bodies, which have done outstanding work for senior citizens. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 5 Lakhs rupees.

Award for  Best Private Sector Organization in promoting the wellbeing and welfare of Senior Citizens: Corporate Houses, addressing the problems of elderly either by providing them gainful employment, or utilizing their skills and experience to the benefit of the society or creating infrastructure in geriatric medical care or any other similar step for the benefit of senior citizens as a community. The activities taken for benefit of senior citizens should be away from the mainline business of the organization. The award consist of Citation  and Memento.

Nominations are also invited for Best Public Sector Organisation in promoting the wellbeing and welfare of Senior Citizens: Any Public Sector Undertakings undertaking service to the community through activities under corporate social responsibility and also through programme for retired employees. The award consist of Citation and Memento.

In Individual  Category Nominations are invited for Centenarian Award: Any renowned individual who are above ninety years and are still physically active independent and contributing to the society. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

Awards for Iconic Mother: For women senior citizens who in the face great odds, brought up their children and supported them in being high achievers in the field of their choice. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

Award for Lifetime Achievement: Any Senior Citizens, preferably above seventy years, who have worked in the field of ageing and made significant contribution in the field. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

Nominations are also invited in Creative Art Category: For winners of National/International acclaim for their contribution to literature, theatre, cinema, music, dance, painting, sculpture, photography, etc. and who continue to be active in their field well into their old age. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

Awards for Sports and Adventure (One each for Male and Female): To senior citizens who have won international acclaim and who continue to contribute in the field of sports and adventure. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

Awards for Courage and Bravery (One each for Male and Female): To senior citizens who have displayed extra ordinary courage in the face of grave danger. The award consist of Citation, Memento and Cash award of 2 Lakhs and 50 Thousand rupees.

The prescribed format is available with the Directorate of Social Welfare. Two each selected in each categories will be recommended to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi.

Interested individuals or Organizations may apply for the National Award on or before  June 19, 2018, along with supporting documents, photographs and Biodata (in soft copy, CD) of the applicant. For any more details may kindly contact the Director of Social Welfare or Assistant Director of Social Defense Branch, Panaji on any working day on Ph.No.2232257/9764685512. The application format shall be collected from  the Office of Directorate of Social Welfare, Panaji.


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