corlim villager’s raises concerns on lonely stretch of anicent kottar area


28-dec-2012 …keeping in mind the tragic incident of the delhi bus-gang rape incident the old goa police officials have decide to tighten its day night patrolling systems along its old goa jurisdictions specially along the 800 mts fields stretch in calvaddo in corlim village known as kottar …

The 800 mts ancient lonely strecth road of Kottar has been an ancient traditional pathway in the middle of the fields in corlim village which also connects the road for locals to walk from mari bhat to manguearrar ward a ward which is a part of the caramoblim village is famous for sluice gates …

But recently the same 800 mts kottar road has been a serious concern for locals an unwanted issues of alcohol, drugs and also prostitution seems to have been taking place along the stretch both in day and night time and locals fear that issues such as rape or murder can take place along the stretch at any given time …

A local village speaking to herald correspondent said “ though this 800 mts stretch was used as one of road to gone in to the fields or for fishing in olden days now this road is becoming dangerous as many a time we see various things taking place such as at one stretch you would find a group of youths partying with alcohol, at another stretch one could notice young youth smoking and no one know whether it is cigarette or drugs and not only that you would also find couples on the same stretch coming in car’s, bikes and doing what not till late night as the whole stretch is a black out area and everyone is doing freely whatever they want” …

The villager also stated “one would be surprised that recently some of our boys who had gone for a walk along the stretch were surprised to find a whole lot of condoms, undergarment’s clothes’, beer-can’s and other items along the whole stretch which made us to think as what is going on here and few days back to our surprise at 8 in the night we noticed that there were over fifteen to sixteen boys in different groups at various corners along the stretch and at one corner in the middle of the road there was a 16 year old girl along with a boy sitting on a bike and busy chatting till late and thinking about the delhi rape gang incident if by chance any things happens to the 16 year old girl who would be blamed then and whose name would be spoiled and therefore I am happy and thankful to old goa police that they have decided to be more strict and keep an eye on such streets which are lonely and could be used for unwanted issues,

Old goa police inspector rajesh mardolkar over the issue said “ we do belevie that such type of lonely stretch roads are of serious concerns and therefore have decided to keep an eye on such roads and bad elements day and night and would also ask the local corlim panchayat to light up the road area with road lights in the next few days “

Meanwhile local panch members goraknath kerkar said “I have also heard about such incidents taking place along the kottar road and therefore the panchayat not wasting anytime further would see that the electric poles along the kottar stretch are installed with lights and the panchayat from their side would right to the old goa police station to see that more strict vigil is maintained on such lonely area roads in corlim village …